Kinetics of the development inhibitor releasing coupler in the color imaging process ⅰ. the reaction of dir and DIAR coupler with QDI in gelatin layer 释放显影抑制剂型成色剂在彩色影像形成过程中的动力学研究Ⅰ.在明胶层中DIR和DIAR成色剂与QDI反应的动力学
Analysis of the yellow color coupler Y-116 by high performance liquid chromatography 黄成色剂Y-116的高效液体色谱分析
It was also found that the dispersity of the color coupler has some influence on the absorption bands of the images, whereas it has practically no effect on the CPE of the dye images. 实验结果表明,成色剂的分散度对染料影像的吸收谱带有一些影响,而对遮盖效率几乎没有影响。
A study on the color fading and coupler structure 成色剂的结构与褪色